Engine Failure on take-off
- Throttled closed
- Brakes apply maximum & stop
- Wing flaps - retract
- Mixture idle cut-off
- Magnetos - off
- ATC - advise if possible
- Master - off
- Passengers brief
Engine Failure - Immediately after take-off
- Directional control - maintain
- Pitch for airspeed
- Mixture - idle-cutoff
- Fuel Selector - off
- Magnetos - off
- Flaps - as required
- ATC - advise if possible
- Master - off
- Cabin doors - unlatch
- Passengers briefing
- Airmanship - Land straight ahead
Engine Failure During Flight (Restart Procedures)
- Directional Control - Mantain
- Airspeed - 65/65/68 KIAS
- Carb Heat - ON
- Fuel Selector - ON Both
- Auxiliary Fuel Pump - ON
- Mixture - RICH
- Primer - In & Locked
- Ignition Switch - Both (or start if propeller stopped)
- ATC - Advise as required
- Passengers brief
- Airmanship - Land as soon as possible
Forced Landing (without engine power)
- Airspeed - pitch
- Mixture - idle cut-off
- Fuel selector - off
- Magnetos - off
- Flaps - as required
- Atc - Advise if possible
- Master - off
- Passengers - brief
- Cabin doors - unlatch
- Seat backs - erect
- Seatbelts - Fastened
- Airmanship - touchdown slightly tail low
- Brakes - apply heavy
Fire during start on ground
- Cranking - continue
- If engine starts: power 1700 rpm for a few minutes
- If engine starts: engine shutdown
- If engine fails to start: throttle open
- If engine fails to start: mixture, idle cutoff
- If engine fails to start: cranking, continue
- If engine fails to start: fuel selector off
- ATC - advise if possible
- Master - off
- Magnetos - off
- Passengers - brief
- Fire extinguisher - remove/extinguish
- Evacuate away from fire
Engine fire in fight
- Directional control - maintain
- Mixture - idle cut off
- Fuel Selector - off
- Fuel Pump - off
- ATC - advise, if possible
- Master - off
- Cabin heat & air (except overhead vents) - off
- Airspeed - 100 KIAS, if fire not out incr glide speed
- Passengers briefed
- Airmanship - Land as soon as possible
Electrical fire in flight
- Master switch - off
- Cabin heater/air/vents - closed
- Fire extinguisher - activate
- Avionics power switch - off
- Other switches - off
- If fire out - cabin ventilate
- If fire out - master on
- If fire out - circuit breakers - do not reset faulty circuit
- If fire out - alternator switch - on
- Electrics - reduce to a minumum
- Airmanship - land as soon as practical
- ATC - advise
- Passengers - briefed
Cabin fire
- ATC - advise if possible
- Master - off
- Vents/Cabin air/heat - closed
- Fire extinguisher - activate
- Vents/Cabin air/heat - open / ventilate
- Airmanship - land as soon as possible
- Passengers - brief
Wing fire
- All light switches - off
- Pitot heat switch (if installed) - off
- Airmanship - sideslip flames away from fuel & cabin
- Airmanship - land as soon as possible